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Ampakine CX717 drug review

Ampakine CX717 drug review

What Are the Properties of CX717?

CX717 is a compound discovered by Cortex Pharmaceuticals in 1996.

CX717 modulates the glutamatergic system in the brain by interacting with the glutamate receptor AMPA. Hence, CX717 drug is an ampakine. By acting on the glutamate system, CX717 strengthens synaptic connections. It possess cognitive enhancing properties in animal models, but more research is needed in humans.

How Does CX717 Strengthen Synapses?

CX717 strengthens the synapses between neurons by promoting a neurophysiological process known as Long-Term Potentiation (LTP). Specifically, CX717 enhances LTP by:

  • Directly acting upon AMPA Receptors and activating them
  • Indirectly, by enhancing NMDA Receptor activity (another glutamate receptor) by removing magnesium block of NMDA (via AMPA activation)

CX717 Dosages

CX717 is still under clinical investigations and as a result, the exact dosage regime is not known. However, in clinical studies doses range between 200mg-1000mg per day.

Is CXC717 an Effective Cognitive Enhancer?

There are a series of both preclinical and clinical evidence suggesting that Ampakines, in general, have beneficial effects upon cognition. Specifically,

  • Ampakine drugs have been linked with a cumulative enhancement of performance in a spatial short-term memory task in rats
  • Neurobiological studies have shown that Ampakines produce a threefold alteration in the encoding and organization of information in normal brains overall enhancing cognition 4
  • In healthy elderly volunteers, Ampakines produced a significant enhancement in memory performance in assigned tasked.
  • In healthy young volunteers, Ampakines have been linked with improved of most aspects of memory (except for task requiring cued recall)

In general, CX717 like modafinil has shown to produce beneficial effects on cognition:

  • In non-human Primates, CX717 has been shown to indeed enhance cognition by promoting the activity of hippocampal cells in the brain
  • In humans, CX717(1000mg/day) has been linked to improvement in attention-based task performance

However, researchers have also reported negative findings:

  • In rats, CX717 was linked to detrimental effects in object recognition memory tasks
  • In humans, a range of doses was not effective at reversing performance and alertness deficits associated with night work shifts .

Possible Uses for CXC717: Beyond Cognitive Enhancement

Ampakines have been suggested for use, not only for cognitive enhancement in healthy individuals but also for the treatment of the following medical conditions:

  • Schizophrenia: Clinical studies have shown that Ampakines significantly boost the antipsychotic properties of clozapine; moreover Ampakines correct the behavior of animal models of schizophrenia
  • Clinical Depression: In animal models of depression Ampakines have been linked with mood enhancing properties
  • Rett’s Syndrome: In animal models of Rett Syndrome Ampakines have the ability to restore abnormal breathing frequency associated with this genetic condition
  • Alzheimer’s disease: Due to the ability of Ampakines to significantly improve short-term memory and task performance memory it has been suggested for use in Alzheimer’s disease .
  • Huntington’s Disease: Chronic treatment with Ampakines have been linked to profound improvement in cognitive difficulties associated with early stages of Huntington’s disease
  • Angelmans’s Disease: Ampakine drugs may have a crucial role in the treatment of Angelmans’s disease since they reverse associated neuron structural abnormalities ultimately enhancing LTP and preventing learning impairments
  • Autism: In autism, Ampakines have been linked to marked improvement in social cognition promoting sociability in animal models of autism .

CX717 and the Military

Ampakines are under clinical investigation by the US military army as:

  • Cognitive enhancers and alertness promoters (like modafinil) for soldiers in high-stress extended combat situations
  • Neuroprotective agents against neurotoxic insults

Is CX717 dosing Safe?

CX717 is well tolerated by most people; it is linked to a small number of adverse effects which are[14]:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Somnolence

Consequences of Long-Term CX717 Use

Ampakines due to their innate ability to enhance glutamate signaling chronic use can potentially be associated with the following worrisome adverse events:

  • Excitotoxicity: A process by which nerve cells are damaged/killed due to excess stimulation by glutamate
  • Poor Emotional Regulation and Impaired Behavioural Inhibition: Due to excess synapse formation in the brain regions controlling the processes of emotional and affective functions.
  • Development of autistic traits (in teens, adolescents, and young adults):Sustained heightened synapse activity can lead to reduced normal developmental synaptic elimination (known as synaptic pruning; reduced synaptic pruning has been linked to the development of autistic traits.
  • Impairments in Spatial Memory and Motor function. By enhancing LTP Ampakines decrease another neurophysiological process known as long-term Depression (LTD); this process is crucial for spatial recognition and motor function.

Should I Use CX717 drug?

Ampakines are a class of cognitive enhancers that may be of benefit not only as nootropics but also for the treatment of various neurological and psychiatric diseases. While promising agents, very little is known about their overall physiological effects and have been linked with significant dangers.

CX717 drug is only of its kind to reach phase 1 clinical studies for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease as it showed great benefits in animal studies. However, CX-717 approval was halted as it was linked to marked brain tissue damage in animal and the FDA concluded that it required further animal testing before it can be assessed in humans.

Overall due to so little evidence concerning its effectiveness and safety in humans, it is advised that CX-717 (and as an extension Ampakines) should not be taken recreationally as cognitive enhancers. Moreover, under no circumstances should they be given to healthy children, teens and young adults as they are very prone to developing autistic traits that occur as a result of sustained enhanced synapse activity.

Sunifiram – Nootropic Review of Side Effects, Dosage, Stacks

What is Sunifiram?

It is one of the modern nootropics in the market; it belongs to the ampakine supplement family. It enhances one’s learning abilities, decision making and attention span. It’s believed that it works better than Piracetam; it is much potent in comparison. They structure are the same, but others have reported that Sunifiram is 1000 times potent. It can be compared to Noopept in terms of potency.

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Agomelatine review

What is Agomelatine?

Do you think agomelatine is a solid antidepressant? How do you think it compares to other more typical antidepressants like Prozac?

Agomelatine’s unique pharmacology and favorable side effect profile make it a boon for depressed patients, especially those who have not responded to conventional antidepressants.

Here’s a quick and dirty fact sheet that will get you oriented if you don’t know anything about agomelatine.

  • Though agomelatine was approved in Europe for the treatment of depression in 2009, it’s unavailable in the United States
  • Agomelatine blocks some serotonin receptor subtypes (5-HT2B and 5-HT2C) and activates melatonin receptors (MT1/MT2)
  • Agomelatine alleviates depression in part by normalizing circadian rhythym
  • Agomelatine has many advantages over contentional antidepressants (e.g., SSRIs)
  • Agomelatine has some nootropic and neuroprotective effects.

Agomelatine is a melatoninergic antidepressant developed by Servier and marketed under the trade names Valdoxan, Melitor, and Thymanax.

Unlike most conventional antidepressants, agomelatine’s mechanism does not hinge on boosting monoamines (e.g., serotonin). Rather, its antidepressant effect is attributed to restoring abnormal circadian rhythm in depressed individuals and promoting dopamine/norepinephrine release.

Agomelatine may have advantages over conventional antidepressants like SSRIs in terms of both efficacy and tolerability. Agomelatine has also shown therapeutic potential as a treatment for other affective disorders and even dementia. Let’s see what the most updated reviews have to say about agomelatine.

Agomelatine Dosage

Agomelatine is available as 25 mg tablets. Physicians typically prescribe one tablet to be taken at bedtime. In some instances, physicians may prescribe 50 mg (2x tablets). Agomelatine is not recommended at doses above 50 mg/night.

The Molecular Properties of Agomelatine

Agomelatine interacts with two distinct receptor systems:

  • Serotonin (5-HT) System. Agomelatine is an antagonist at 5-HT2B and 5-HT2C receptors1.
  • Melatonin System. Agomelatine is a partial agonist of the melatonin receptors MT1 and MT22

Physiological Consequences of Agomelatine Use:

Agomelatine’s action on the serotonin and melatonin system has the following physiological effects:

  • It disinhibits/increases noradrenaline and dopamine release in the frontal cortex, without affecting serotonin levels. This effect is mediated via inhibition of 5-HT2C receptor activity1.
  • It normalizes circadian rhythm (biological clock) by modulating melatonin receptors3.

Agomelatine, Sleep, And Depression

Circadian rhythm dysregulation is strongly linked to mood disorders4. There’s also a link between depression and abnormal sleep architecture.
Depression is associated with:

  • decreased slow wave sleep (SWS)
  • increased REM sleep density
  • increased REM sleep duration
  • shortened REM sleep latency

Slow wave sleep is the restorative, indispensable part of sleep. REM sleep coincides with dreaming and, as the name implies, is characterized by rapid eye movements.

There’s evidence that these sleep architecture alterations precede the development of depression. Riemann argues that “REM sleep alterations have been recently considered not only as biological “scars” but as true endophenotypes of depression.”

This may explain why sleep deprivation has an antidepressant effect5. The picture is muddied by the fact that insomnia is a common bedfellow to depression. A classic signs of depression is early morning awakenings (e.g., waking up at 4 am and being unable to fall asleep). Since sleep deprivation itself has an antidepressant effect, researchers have proposed that early morning awakenings in depressed patients reflect a compensatory response to help reduce depression.

Some researchers have gone so far as to say that depression is primarily a sleep disorder.

Most antidepressants, independent of class, profoundly suppress rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. For example, tricyclic antidepressants and SSRIs robustly reduce REM sleep. This implies that REM sleep is dispensable (you can live without it). REM suppression is not necessarily an unwanted side effect; it contributes to the antidepressant effect of drugs like SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants.

Further reading: REM sleep dysregulation in depression: state of the art

Agomelatine inhibits 5-HT2C serotonin receptors, increasing noradrenaline and dopamine. But the primary antidepressant effect of agomelatine is by normalizing circadian rhythm. Agomelatine binds and activates melatonin receptors2 which is a key player in the biological clock.

Agomelatine Reviews

I scoured the internet for agomelatine reviews and experience reports. Here are some notable reviews:

Posted by odspot on Reddit:

I just stopped it two nights ago. I found it pretty good for getting to sleep, which was a blessing, and waking up earlier. It was pretty mentally stimulating (and potentiated other stimulants)… too much so at 25/50mg, so I cut back to 12.5mg. However, the dealbreaker was that it would render me completely exhausted/fatigued the next day. I was pretty jacked up and alert, but could barely get around. I read on psychonauts that the side-effect supposedly passes once sleep normalizes after 2-3 weeks, but I just couldn’t take it (especially because changing the dose supposedly resets the adjustment period). That said, I do have a lot of baseline fatigue, so take that all with a grain of salt.

Posted by Cosmicrush on Reddit:

Yes it’s awesome. I sublingual 3-5mg and I get mixed state between dazed and this paranoid empathy type state. It only shows when I socialized for the simulation and empathy. If I’m alone I go hypnogogic and get vivid hallucinations if I suddenly open my eyes after holding them shut for while.

It seems to be iffy on sleep quality. I sleep faster but the effects are short and I wake up after a couple hours.

It seems good for creative thinking. It will make you socially introverted somewhat. This might not be true. Or maybe this is only true at higher dosages.

It causes paresthesia on tongue if you sublingual. The effects aren’t felt that much but it changes your state of mind. I notice the closer I am to sleep I get happy and euphoric but then I’ll snap out of it and feel kind of anxious but not bad anxiety. It’s hard to notice the feeling at first though.

The medication it feels like is Mirtazapine. But much more lightweight and less sedating. Mirtazapine can be annoying with side effects sometimes.

Posted by nachos420 on Reddit:

if you take it ~10-30mg sublingually you can feel the 5ht2c antagonism decently strong. I can’t use it though, even at the recommended 25mg oral dose, because, like melatonin, it makes me much more likely to feel depressed the next day for no reason when normally I’m never depressed. It’s odd especially because melatonin will make colors brighter the next day and such yet somehow my mind still reacts to it(at any dose) with short lived 1-2 day depression. I think the depression is a secondary side-effect from it tiring/slowing my mind/body into the next day even at low mcg doses.

Posted by an_thr:

I was prescribed 25mg per day, then 50mg per day after that stopped working. Have recently come off it entirely due to exacerbated anhedonia/amotivation at 50mg. It is expensive and you are required to have regular liver function tests, so it no longer seems worth it.

I had tried perhaps six SSRIs/SNRIs before Valdoxan and it worked better than most with few side effects. Beyond mood, the best effect for me was on sleep. Normally I wake up and feel like I have been hit by a train, but on agomelatine I would get out of bed immediately upon waking and feel fine. My sleep time was reduced from ~10 hours to ~6 hours, and I was able to fall asleep every night.

I wouldn’t bother with it for mild depression in the absence of sleep problems.

I suspect any nootropic effects are due to improved sleep architecture and alleviation of depression.

Is Agomelatine An Effective Antidepressant?

A large number of studies have investigated the efficacy of agomelatine for depression.

David Taylor and colleagues published a meta-analysis of agomelatine efficacy for depression. He included 20 studies and nearly 7500 participants. There are a few takeaways from the meta-analysis:

  • Agomelatine was significantly more effective than placebo
  • Agomelatine efficacy was comparable to other antidepressants

One study reported that 25-50mg/day agomelatine resulted in a potent antidepressant effect as assessed by the Montgomery and Kasper diagnostic manual. Patient response was similar (if not higher) to other antidepressants6.

In addition, to its antidepressant properties, agomelatine (25mg/day) restored sleep architecture in depressed individuals by improving sleep quality

Agomelatine-induced sleep enhancement does not lead to daytime sedation (a common side effect of hypnotic antidepressants like Remeron). Finally, agomelatine may benefit more severe forms of depression, in which most if not all antidepressants fail; these forms are atypical7, melancholic 7, and anxious depression8. However, this observation may be a moot point since all antidepressant response is much higher in severely depressed patients, irrespective of the particular antidepressant.

Adverse Effects

In sharp contrast to most other clinically available antidepressant agomelatine (25-50mg/day) is not associated with

  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Cardiovascular Toxicity
  • Weight Gain
  • Nausea
  • Discontinuation Syndrome
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Serotonin Syndrome
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness

Agomelatine For Other Affective Disorders

Anxiety Spectrum-Disorders

In animal models, agomelatine has anxiolytic effects. Agomelatine potentiates GABAergic neurons (via melatonin receptor agonist) and by antagonizing 5-HT2C receptors.

Due to its anxiolytic properties agomelatine has been investigated for use in both social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, were 25-50mg/day of agomelatine has been superior to placebo at alleviating symptoms.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

In a small study 50mg/day agomelatine was effective at reducing symptoms associated with OCD and also showed profound superiority when compared to SSRIs which are the standard course of treatment for OCD.

Seasonal Affective-Disorder

In one study with 37 seasonal affective disorder (SAD) patients, 25mg/day of agomelatine for 14 weeks was proven to be efficacious and safe for the treatment seasonal depression.


In a small study13 involving 26 patients suffering from bipolar disorder, agomelatine (25mg/day) was effective and well-tolerated adjunct with mood stabilizers for bipolar depression.

Agomelatine For Other Conditions

Agomelatine could be of benefit in preventing the progression on two neurodegenerative disorders that are frequently co-morbid with depression and therefore, agomelatine could also be use in these disorders for its mood-enhancing properties.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Due to its melatonin mimetic effects, agomelatine could potentially be used in Alzheimer’s disease.

That’s because melatonin has a protective effect against beta-amyloid protein. Melatonin inhibits aggregation of amyloid beta into neurotoxic aggregates. Interestingly, agomelatine has been associated with enhancement of spatial visual memory.

Dopamine-Related Motor Disorders

Due to its melatonin mimicking effects, agomelatine could also be beneficial in motor disorders such as Parkinson’s disease.

Melatonin inhibits dopamine release from the striatum. Parkinson’s disease is caused by the neurodegeneration of dopaminergic neurons.

In Parkinson’s disease, one might think
that melatonin would exacerbate symptoms since melatonin inhibits dopamine release.
However, melatonin (and melatonin-mimetics) have a neuroprotective effect that may benefit Parkinson’s patients.

The Verdict on Agomelatine

Taking into account the information provided above it is safe to assume that agomelatine is a unique and an effective tool against the battle with depression. It shows superiority to most clinically available antidepressants in terms of tolerability, in sleep improvement and for the treatment of drug-resistant forms of depression. Moreover, its use is not limited only to depression but other affective disorders were it is associated with significantly reduced symptomatology were it also shows some superiority to other antidepressants used.

Overall, agomelatine is completely justified for use in the clinic for affective disorders and possible not only!

nootropics or supplements to quit smoking cannabis

Any suggestions to help a middle aged person quit cannabis? They smoked in late teens and 20’s. Quit for about 12 years and then vaped for about 4 years during their mid 40’s. Anything good for stopping cravings and rebuilding brain? They are trying phenibut with mixed results so far. 1st day went well, 2nd day no pot cravings but exceedingly tired and lethargic. So they will try reducing phenibut dose from 1 gram to 300 mg. They know to be careful with phenibut and plan not to do it daily, but are desperate to get off pot which has been prescribed to them (for anxiety etc) but is causing many problems. TY

Reply 1 Rhodolia helps the body deal with stress, and emotional proccessing.
Reply 2 CBD (oral, topical, vaporized, etc) offers much faster relief compared to an SSRI drug, which may take weeks to months to take effect In comparison.
Reply 3  I second the recommendation for CBD. Just kick out the THC and it might be easier to step down since CBD will quell anxiety. Cannabis isn’t physically addictive, only habit-forming if the person isn’t doing anything to work on themselves like meditation, yoga, spiritual practice of some sort. If memory is an issue, Gota Kola and Ginkgo are some herbs that can be helpful.
Reply 4 I know it’s easier said than done, but just quit buying weed and forget the substitute all together. The cravings go away and chemistry wise most things you’d take for anxiety for replacement are going to leave you worse off than the weed. But I had really great results curing social anxiety with a change of mindset and took 200-600mg of l-theanine for about 3 weeks to take the edge off some of the physical symptoms. I think knowing I had the crutch while I actively got more socially involved did more than the theanine itself though, if I was hard pressed I can’t tell you what if anything it actually did for me lol

Reply 5  Phenibut isn’t going to help rebuild jack crap. It will deplete it worse than cannabis
In my experience, phenibut gives me the ability to push my anxiety away, which is a new experience for me. So, it is useful in that respect, but coming off of it is not so much fun. The biggest problem I have is when I have something coming up the next day and I can’t sleep, or something is really bothering me and I can’t sleep. I hate that, so phenibut is good in those instances.
Reply 6  All ingested substances interfere with homeostasis. Synaptic plasticity occurs resulting in unwanted side effects following cessation. Many of us know this as addiction and withdrawl. Just as the human brain maintained homeostasis when the substance wa…See More
Reply 7  Something for sleep, new hobby/fun, typical regeneration stack uridine, noopept, choline, herbals, omega 3, dopamine/serotonine precursors. HOBBY shoting, bow, running anything watch anime and play games but dont smoke this shit. How is this possible to get addiced to weed? WTF, people tried heroin, benzodiazepines and a lot stronger things and dosent get addicted so how did they do that? Curcumine, EGCG, (5-htp, l-dop) Reply 8  The talks I’ve listened to regarding medical cannabis by some people knowledgeable in that area (I.e., Ethan Russo, Michael Backes, Mara Gordon among others) express the viewpoint that the amounts required to achieve a “high” are not necessarily required for medical efficacy. One must start out low and determine their own minimum effective dose. Using high doses for prolonged periods will create adverse effects and tolerance, due to desensitization and down regulation of cannabinoid receptors, which will lead to the user engaging in subsequent increases in dose.

Micro-dosing as a medical option has been examined through research in Israel. While controversial, and in need of further research, it has shown anecdotal benefits to mood and motivation.

Also, different strains’ terpene profiles, acting in synergy with cannabinoids, will have different effects (e.g., stimulating, sedating, etc.).

If you’re looking for neuroprotective and strong anti-inflammatory properties, the acidic (not decarboxylated) cannabinoid THCA is also an option as it isn’t psychotropic. The best bioavailability is when it is used through sublingual administration with a tincture.

Repy 9 Cannabis only increases the chance of developing mental illness if you’re already genetically predisposed to it, (it runs in the family.) Cannabis does not cause hallucinations, as only serotonin receptor agonists (such as LSD, Mescaline and Psilocybin) are capable of that. Cannabis has actually been reported to help symptoms of HPPD, not cause it.

Reply 10  I had mild to moderate gastrointestinal distress on cannabis cessation (no appetite vomiting, diarrhea) which is annihilated with daily tolerance reducers Agmatine, Memantine, Magensium, Bacopa & Omegas, and to potentiate (keep weed doses low and thus keep tolerance at bay) I also use Selegiline, moclobemide, black pepper, myrrh, frankincense & kanna. The tolerance reducers also potentiate the high by A LOT
Reply 11 With nanomolar affinity (strong). Copaiba essential oil is like 50% caryophyllene so like 5x more than black pepper essential oil. I mainly toss n wash pepper and probably get more CYP enzyme inhibition which is a different way to potentiate most drugs, by slowing their clearance from the body. Grapefruit does this too
Reply 12  There is a very high chance they are using too much and simply need to dial back the dosage. Marijuana rebuilds neurons and is associated with no negative effects on the body or brain according to the latest research except for slightly higher cases of peridontal disease from smoking but not vaping. As the body ages the ideal dose goes down. What they could consume in a night in their 20s may take a week in their 50s. It is common that people don’t adjust their dose and thus begin to experience negative symptoms. It is a curved benefit and efficacy curve …too little or too much is ineffective just right is good. Start low and go slow is the mantra.

Reply 14 In my experience most people who become dependent on cannabis have an underlying condition which is relieved by smoking – depression, anxiety, pain, etc… Sometimes the best approach is not to quit cannabis, but to find strains and dosage formats that do not cause the side effect of being “stoned”. For example: I was a chronic pothead in my teens and early 20s, and I stopped because I wanted to be more productive at work. Unfortunately my anxiety disorder got far worse after quitting pot, and I ended up hooked on opiates (which i was using to self medicate for anxiety.) I quit the opiates and these days I take an oral extract of specific cannabis strains that treats depression and anxiety better than any prescription drug known to man, but is completely free from psychoactive side effects – it contains only 2mg THC per dose but thanks to the terpenes and other cannabinoids in the plant, this is enough to achieve symptom relief (as you may know, it takes at least 10mg of THC to get ‘high’, so side effects are not an issue when using this product in a therapeutic dose.
Reply 15  I’ve taken tolerance breaks before, like vacations, etc. after 3 or 4 days you don’t desire it so much. After a week or so you’ll notice energy. Focus on a healthy diet like fruit smoothies for nutrients and take zinc. That usually helps me get some good energy and spiritual feeling (maybe it affects serotonin somehow?)

NSI-189 : review, effects, experience, where to buy online

NSI-189 effectsReview of NSI-189

NSI-189 is a trail-phase depression treatment that Neuralstem, Inc. is actively studying. Learn all the facts about NSI-189’s possible uses in the following review:

NSI-189 Description

NSI-189 remains in the trial phase and isn’t yet available in the market. Neuralstem, Inc. is actively researching the drug before releasing it.

Do not dismiss NSI-189s as just another dubious, low-quality nootropic smart drug. The US government has a keen interest in NSI-189. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is funding research into NSI-189, as is the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The drug interests both organizations due to its potential to treat major depressive disorder.

Some believe that DARPA’s interest stems from the possibility of helping soldiers to stay awake and remain alert while on active duty.

With a systematic name of (4-Benzylpiperazin-1-yl)-[2-(3-methylbutylamino)pyridin-3-yl]methanone it is natural that the drug has a shortened name: NSI-189.

NSI-189 has the chemical formula C22H30N4O.

At present NSI-189 is an unscheduled drug and no major organization in the world has yet given it an official classification.

NSI-189 reviewIf and when the drug is released, it will be administered as an oral formulation. Be aware that any NSI-189 on sale online today is being sold illegally. Neuralstem, Inc. is the drug’s patent holder and has not yet released an NSI-189 product commercially. The company’s legal team issues cease-and-desist letters whenever the drug is found for sale over the internet.

How NSI-189 works

With the drug still the subject of active research, there are many gaps in our knowledge of how it acts. But tests on adult mice show that NSI-189 can increase hippocampal volume by 20%.

Further in vitro and in vivo studies on human hippocampal stem cells show that NSI-189 stimulates the formation of new brain cells – neurogenesis.

The importance of this result is that the hippocampus is the part of the brain that consolidates short-term memories into long-term memories.

The hippocampus is also critical for mood regulation and spatial navigation.

The implication is that NSI-189 could improve memory, spatial cognition and mood. That is what makes people, from top scientists to regular Joes, so enthusiastic about the drug.

Medical Proof of NSI-189’s Effects

NSI-189 has been the subject of several clinical trials, including some involving people.

Phase 1 clinical trials of the drug were completed in 2011. That initial study involved administering the drug to 35 healthy volunteers. The randomized and placebo-controlled study tested the safety and tolerability of NSI-189. Its purpose was not to measure its efficacy. Neuralstem, Inc. led the study under the oversight of the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration). The results of this clinical trial have not yet been made public.

In 2012 a phase 1B clinical trial began, and it completed in July 2014. This trial interrogated the effectiveness of NSI-189 at treating major depressive disorder. In the study twenty-four patients with previously-established major depressive disorder experienced symptomatic relief when dosed with 40 or 80mg/day, but 120mg/day dosage produced no additional benefits.

Potential NSI-189 Uses

While scientific evidence for NSI-189’s effects is sparse at present, researchers believe the drug could play an important role in treating diverse brain function disorders, including:

– Traumatic Brain Injury
– Stroke
– Alzheimer’s Disease
– Major Depressive Disorder
– PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
– Age-Related Decline of Memory and Cognitive Functions

NSI-189 experienceNSI-189 users experience
While drug is officially not distributed elsewhere some users already review it over the web:
There are a ton of products out there. Nsi-189 could help your depression and brain fog but it takes a couple weeks to take effect. Piracetam is the first nootropic ever created and may be a good starting place. As far as premade stacks I’ve only tried    one that actually works and its not cheap. Cortex. Its cheaper to make your own stacks but you will need a mg scale. I recommend starting with one product to see how it effects you before going to a stack. Otherwise you might have a bad reaction and not know which product is the culprit. Welcome to the world of nootropics. You can beat depression and anxiety with nootropics. My fiance has quit depakote and celexa using nsi-189, fasoracetam and coluracetam. The nsi for depression and memory. The faso for anxiety and focus and the coluracetam for anxiety and depression as well.
I’ve been taking for about a month. One major thing I’ve noticed is that I’m able to deal with things better. I’m able to focus on what I’m doing much easier without brain fog. Some people report insomnia if they take it at night. I take it before bed and have never had a problem. I recently switched to it during the day. The results take time to develop, at least a couple weeks.
I’ve combined NSI with just about everything and have been fine. Some people act   like you have to be super careful with this substance, as if NSI + any stimulant will make you super emotional or cause problems. No. On my most stacked days, I’ve been doing:

20 mg NSI 189 (every day)
200 mg caffeine (4 times per week)
1600 mg NAC
Fish Oil
Not a single problem. I had some anxiety issues when my NSI-189 dosage was at 40 mg, but that was in total isolation of caffeine. Also, it took several weeks for those problems to occur. NSI may also give you a a numbed feeling in your extremities. I don’t have those problems at 20 mg. I just have a mild reduction in sex drive, but as a guy with impulse control issues, I welcome this effect.
NSI also DEFINITELY gives a subjective feeling of well-being that is not too dissimilar from Tianeptine. (However, this effect is from cumulative dosing, not acute.) You may not notice it until you stop dosing NSI for a week or so. But it definitely helps me feel better day-to-day.
I started at 33mg which made a gram last a month. I have moved up to 40mg after 2 months of 33mg but I don’t think it was necessary. The benefits seem the same at either dose. More is not necessarily better.


I’ve been using nsi about a week I also take 10 mg memantine, tianeptine helps to take the edge off adjustment anxiety so take it after.Noopept goes well with this, fasoracetam, you need choline and bvits also. PRL-8-53 is supposed to have great synergy, I have ordered some ill let you know how this goes. I read . a low dose of moclobemide is good too. Scan through lots of information. I have also been stacking small amounts bromantane with it. My first two days were the best I have had in years now kinda levelling out as before. I ll cut back on other noots. I am up to 40mg. I split in 2 doses for first 2 days so may be that’s it. Green tea is good also. No brain fog. Feeling happier just bit of anxiety. There is stuff on YouTube from the makers of nsi about the trials, guy on lounge said it should be taken for 90 as per the trials carried out. So hang in there I’m rooting for ya. I’m talking it because of damage brought on by ptsd.

Where to buy NSI – 189 online?

As the sale of NSI-189 remains illegal for all distributors, the substance can’t officially be recommended to anyone. There are no any online pharmacy where you can buy it. Hopefully Neuralstem will soon launch this promising medical product.

NSI 189 alternatives

The most popular alternative to adderall is Sun Modalert, the most popular modafinil brand, a wakefulness-enhancer, produced by Sun Pharmaceuticals industries.

N-Acetyl Selank vs N-Acetyl Semax review and experience


N-Acetyl Selank vs N-Acetyl-Semax. TL;DR: I cannot say that I have been able to review these compounds directly for a couple of reasons, but NA Selank 300mcg, from Limitless Life Nootropics, for me, is incredibly nootropic, anxiolitic, and adaptogenic.

I bought NA Selank with 300mcg sprays from Limitless Life Noots. I received the bottle yet the ice pack was long melted (stating the obvious). The first spray pump I received was faulty and would not spray correctly every time. When I ordered with overnight delivery, the Selank solution was pre-mixed and arrived ready-to-use. After communication with the vendor, they sent me another pump with a little extra Selank for the hassle. It arrived as the un-mixed version of peptide and solution separate. This un-mixed version is a characterization of Limitless Life Nootropics. As of this writing they are the only vendor I’m aware of that sells it like this. The reasoning behind it is to preserve the peptide, similar to why the ice pack is used: to prevent temperature spikes as best as possible. Interesting concept, more on this later with Semax.

I mixed up the solution and the spray bottle worked very well this time. I am sure that I can feel Selank within 5-10 minutes. My usual dose was through the day 1 or 2x 300mcg sprays in the morning, 1x 300mcg spray mid-day, and 1x 300mcg later, if necessary. I found it odd spraying it at work, but I found times and space to do it discretely.

N-Acetyl SemaxNA Selank, for me, works very well. I just feel, “normal.” Let me explain. Thoughts for me seem to go through a process internally, to feelings, to then expressions. Sometimes the processor (me) gets in the way and filters them so they don’t become expressions. It seems to be an anxiety, a nervousness, whatever, and I miss out on living or expressing and then things pass and I’m like so when I was using Selank, I was smiling, I was very natural, relaxed, aware… the awareness and clarity over everything was incredible. Selank seemed to prevent “mood tangles” where I get roused, or whatever mood such as happy, and I could just simply see that clearly as a feeling and not be tangled up in it with mental energy. It was like an anchor for the real me, and these things I experienced would just simply pass. This made my stress drop dramatically, I was able to handle making decisions much more accurately to the benefit of the long-term, I was promoted while using Selank, I had sleep deprivation during training for 2 weeks of a flip-flopped schedule at work, handled it, even worked 14 hours of overtime one of those weeks. Because I could, easily.

So then I buy N-Acetyl Semax 100mcg. I was hesitant because people talk about Semax as “stimulating.” Relative to Selank I wanted to have more of a relaxing experience, as I have muscle tension that I believe was founded by injury and now-created by my neuro-psychology and muscle patterns. Anyways, I bought it this time with standard shipping from Limitless Life Nootropics. It arrived 2 days later quick as hell, from Alabama to Oregon, as the non-mixed version as expected. My first thoughts when looking at the container of peptide, “that’s 10mg?” and to me it looked like the peptide was almost clear or something, even “melted” to my ignorant eyes. My first thoughts when handling the spray bottle with solution in it was “there’s a little leak and the paper label is wet and my hands have ink on them.” I rubbed off the entire label and I mixed it up and sprayed 2x 100mcg one in each nostril and went off to work. N-Acetyl Selank

I don’t get too much from Semax that I can pin down. It seems to take 20-30 minutes to feel effects, and I do sometimes feel more clear, sometimes wanting to open up for conversation and my verbal fluency is there, but I guess I was expecting something else. Not too sure. I still have half a bottle left and use it every day right now as I’m still looking at it. I kind of even feel delirious or something with Semax. It reminds me of the feeling of being drunk and wobbly, or even the feeling I get with phenibut+caffeine where’s it’s like, “Damn, Tyler, you’re on that level” which I don’t necessarily enjoy on the day-to-day. I don’t take much, 2 or 3x 100mcg sprays in a day, and experimented with a bit more without much notice of difference. There has been a sense of well-being, but it isn’t as anchored as Selank. I could see using this once in a while for something like a speech, or other such things, but every day use, Selank was for me. However, I know I can’t compare apples to apples with this one due to dosage and also the shipping method: overnight/pre-mixed vs standard/un-mixed

warning about NSI-189 safety

Howdy guys. Fair warning about NSI-189 safety. i have been on it for about 9 weeks. Most people only do 30 day cycles, but I wanted to maximize my benefits.

This stuff has worked wonders for my anhedonia, emotional blunting, and even concentration. Previously, it amplified every emotion, but now I am getting sporadic, unprovoked episodes of panic. It has been a LONG time since I have had a panic attack. I was literally sitting on my couch talking to my mom when I felt this gagging feeling in my throat. My heart has been racing for 20 minutes now.

I feel an urge to vomit every few minutes, and I am hallucinating a sickening smell in my nose that is making it worse (psychosomatic symptoms are nothing new to me).
Gosh. It has been a LONG time since I have felt ANY type of anxiety this deeply. I certainly appreciate the emotional break throughs NSI-189 has given me, but I think continuing would be counter-productive now.
This episode was/is 15 hours after dosing. The effects of this medicine are cumulative, not acute.NSI-189

Selegiline, Moclobemide, Memantine against OCD, ADHD, GAD and Social Anxiety

{:en}Social AnxietyBefore I got into Nootropics I suffered from debilitating OCD, ADHD, and terrible GAD and Social Anxiety. I can say that Memantine toned it down by 70% but it was still there. Recently I decided to start Moclobemide with Memantine and had an even further reduction in my symptoms. I did a few cycles of NSI189 and NA Semax Amidate and NA Selank Amidate which made impressive changes to my cognition and my mentality. I started be able to go up to random people and start conversations and I made a ton of friends this semester and have met many girls. My life couldn’t get much better yet I still suffered from some Approach anxiety.
Recently I decided to take Selegiline daily with my Moclobemide and Memantine at 1.5mg sublingual as well as going on TRT. I can honestly say my symptoms are 99% gone. I feel so much better and so much more alive. I have never been,happier or more,confident my whole life. My memory is on point and my ADHD is non existent. I don’t need many Nootropics now, I simply take Selegiline, Moclobemide, Memantine, Tianeptine, NA Semax Amidate and NA Selank amidate. I have tons of Nootropics laying around now and really have no use for them.
I just started taking the selegiline daily a few days ago rather than once a week so I know the effects are going to get better from this point forward. I really recommend Moclobemide and Memantine for anyone who suffers from OCD and SA. It has almost completely cured me. The selegiline combination is best left to the advanced Nootropic users.
The only,issue im having now is that I’m so excited for each day that I cannot sleep, other than some insomnia, I literally couldn’t ask for a better feeling in life.Selegiline
My OCD was so bad and I’ll explain what my,symptoms were though I am,very embarrassed but,
Constant hand washing (germophobia)
Walking in and out of doors and turning on and off lights a certain number of times
Constant, repetitive intrusive thoughts.
Tapping things a certain number of times to equal certain calculations
I also had compulsive drug abuse…. Never was addicted but binged out every now and then. I no longer feel any need to get into a different head space and have bottles of Ritalin and,valium that are full at the house since November.

Asprosin, metabolism, metabolic disorders and biohacking

}metabolismThe more indepth I look at metabolism, metabolic disorders and biohacking…. The more I see everything is being controlled by our hormones, enzymes and nutritional status and less so by caloric measures.

Scientists have discovered a new hormone the body makes. (despite ohe current breadth of knowledge, we must surrender to the fact we dont completely understand metabolism)

This newly discovered hormone, Asprosin, was discovered in researching a rare disorder, Neonatal Progeroid disorder. This disorder keeps the body from accumulating fat despite caloric intake. They discovered that they were missing a hormone asprosin.

Asprosin is released by adipose tissue, traffics to the liver and stimulates release of glucose into the blood.

So in the opposite of NPS, thosu with high levels of asprosin developed obesity and diabetes, high blood glucose and high insulin.

Using this information doctors created an asprosin antibody to neutralize asprosin via immunogenic sequestration. This, in diabetic mice, reduces glucose release, lowered insulin and over several treatments reduced insulin resistance completely. Curing or reversing diabetes.

There is not necessarily a biohack currently we could use with this knowledge, but rather something we can look for in the future. But mostly, this is a reminder that we still have many unknown biological aspects to discover, and we truly do not know everything, yet.


Selank Amidate makes selegiline and Moclobemide work better

{:en}SelankNA Selank Amidate definitely makes selegiline and Moclobemide work better. I guess it’s the restoration of dopamine because I notice after two or three days of starting selank up my sex drive is through the roof.
Tried subcutaneous oxytocin the past few days, not much to report besides maybe some increase in libido and a little more pep.
Trialing theacrine the next few days, will report back on it. Probably will mix with hydrafinil.
And finally, adding YK11 and Prami to my workout stack. I’m the biggest and strongest I’ve ever been and honestly love me some YK11 so I’m excited to see what the results are like with my current stack I’ve been taking.
12.5mg of MK677 is a perfect dose for me, the hunger is bareable and I wake up thinner each day.Moclobemide My muscle pumps are absolutely ridiculous. I can’t even run on the treadmill for 2 minutes before my calves feel like exploding. Honestly, I’m up 4 pounds (188.7) in 3 days. That’s pretty crazy and it isn’t fat or water weight because i still have a flat stomach. I was going to add in S4 because I’ve heard it compared to winny but I’m holding off on it for now. I have quite the workout stack and can’t afford the vision sides.